So far there aren't a lot, I've only played a few games, I'm kind of obsessed with DDR, so I don't play to many other games,
I can't seem to sit that long.

Sora x Riku
(Kingdom Hearts)
Sora pays more attention to Riku than Kairi, and he just seems to act very differently around Riku, whereas he reacts to Kairi
the same way he does to everyone else. Plus I think that when Riku wanted to race basically for Kairi and Sora gets all pissy,
I think it was cause Riku wasn't thinking about him
Sora x Cloud
(Kingdom Hearts)
Why else wouldn't Cloud kill some kid he's never met before, even if it meant he would be free from Hades?
Sora x Squall (Leon)
(Kingdom Hearts)
It was something I was playing around with, I was making Sora bug Squall, and then after he left I kept yelling for him (me,
not the character) so I thought it would be a cute couple ...I kept running around yelling "Squall!?! SQUALL!?"
My mother was looking at me funny the entire time.
I mean, Little Sora getting into trouble, and Big Strong Squall coming to save him and sweep him away to made passionate
love to him ...LMFAO ...when did I turn into a romantic? Or he could just bang him up against a wall, that's more my style.
Wow ...Goofy and Donald's heads would implode if Squall ripped off Sora's pants and fucked him right in front of them.
Squall x Cloud
(Kingdom Hearts)
*Laughing Hysterically* Cause this is the only Universe where these two exist at the same time?
Dart x Lloyd
(Legend of Dragoon)
*Laughing Hysterically* I ...don't know ...I thought those two would be cute in my earlier slashing days ...when I didn't
actually slash anything with a dick. I think that was my first non-canon slash
