Oh my god, a crack pairing chart that actually contains heterosexuality!? What is this work coming to??
I haven't watched Yu-Gi-Oh (Yuugiou, YuGiOh, whatever way you want to spell it) in a long time, I don't have cable so I don't
watch TV. So I haven't seen any of the series past the end of Kaiba's battle Royale thing. Like, when Malik showed Yami
(Pharaoh) his back, that was the last thing I saw, I missed the ENTIRE Ancient Egyptian arc! And I've seen the movie. As well
as a bit of the "first" season. And another movie that made Red-Eyes equal in power to Blue-Eyes ...wtf. So, my
pairings are based off of the anime that came over to America. I know, I know, disgusting, but subbed TV anime is hard to

Kaiba x Jounouchi
Rivalry always seems to breed the MOST, and the BEST crack pairings. And come on, how could one NOT take Kaiba telling Jou
to get on his knees and beg the wrong way?
Seto x Mokuba
I know, I know, incest, ew. But once again, come on. Mokuba worships the ground Kaiba walks on, and he is also the only one
Kaiba cares for.
Jounouchi x Mai
Mai's battle with Malik showed just how much Jou cares for her. And way earlier on in the series, during the Pegasus arc,
I do believe, if memory serves me correctly, that she gave Jou her card so that he could continue on in the matches.
Mai x Shizuka
As much as Shizuka irks me (I hate her more than Anzu, and that's saying a lot!), she cares a LOT for Mai. And Mai kind of
took on the role of big older sister.
Yuugi x Yami
Oh my gawd ...do I really need to say it? If it wasn't for the fact it's a kid's anime they would be canon!!
Jounouchi x Malik
Because possessed Jou is fun to play with?
Ryou x Bakura
It's the whole Yami x Hikari thing ...
Kaiba x Yami
Kaiba is freaking OBSESSED with Yami, to the point it's no longer healthy!
Jounouchi x Yuugi
Jou IS Yuugi's best friend, but their interactions SOMETIMES show that there MIGHT be more. And through everything Jou has
been through, Yuugi has been there for him. And vice versa.
Malik x Bakura
These two maniacs AGREED and actually MANAGED to work together ...there had to be some hot sex in there to get it to work
Honda x Otogi
Otogi is the LEAST straight man, so his hitting on Shizuka is a ruse (IMO) and him and Honda are attached at the hip ...and
apparently in the Japanese version you can see them holding hands ...although ...the cuddling on the bed sold me.
Malik x Rishid
I'd say incest ...but they're not actually related ...and Rishid would go to the ends of the earth for Malik, and when Malik
is NOT crazy insane, he really adores Rishid ...who was the only one who was able to repress his evil half
Malik x Isis
She is WAY to obsessed with her little brother!
Honda x Jounouchi
They're best friends ...and I have a picture of them standing on a beach and it looks like they're about to kiss
Kaiba x Pegasus
The movie! I totally blame it on the movie!
Kaiba x Blue-Eyes-Jet
Jetshipping anyone?
I really need to catch up on all my anime, curse you Prince of Tennis! So, I don't know anyone that was in the Egyptian arc,
or past that, and I don't know any manga-only characters.

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